Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Bitty Love

I just got a wonderful new homemade dress for my Bitty Baby so I figured I would do a post all about her today.

A couple of years ago, when I first got back into collecting dolls, I purchased a Bitty Baby off of ebay. She had light skin and brown hair. Her head was all scuffed up and she had big white marks across her head. Back then I was so concerned with making sure my dolls looked perfect, so I sent her to the doll hospital for a new head and after that she did nothing but sit on a shelf, looking pretty. After about a year I decided that having a Bitty Baby was kinda boring... plus I felt bad for her and I sold her online.

Several months after selling my Bitty Baby I was searching ebay for American Girl clothes and other items and I stumbled upon some really cute baby outfits. The more I thought about it, the more I began to regret selling my Bitty Baby. I spent a long time considering it and finally decided to buy a new doll. I originally wanted to buy a brand new Bitty Baby from American Girl but then decided to buy a used one. I didn't want to risk having to worry about her looking perfect all the time like I did with the last one. I spent several weeks searching ebay and eventually found a medium skin, dark haired Bitty Baby that came with an older version of the starter kit... all for a really great price. I was surprised at how great she looked when she arrived. She only had a few, hardly noticeable rub marks on her head. And the clothes that she came with are so adorable!

I named her Marissa after the book Saving Marissa (from the Doll Hospital series). She is by far my most spoiled doll. She has WAY more clothes than the rest of my dolls combined. I am always finding cute outfits for her. She is so much fun to cuddle with because she is so soft and she has gotten more travel time than all of my other dolls, other than Hitty (although if I could find a way to fit Marissa in my purse like I do with Hitty... without looking like a weirdo, I would probably take Marissa everywhere like I do with Hitty). I definitely treat her a lot different than I did my last Bitty Baby. I'm not afraid to mess her up... which has made her so much fun. She doesn't look brand new... she does have a few marks on her now... but she is well loved so I'm sure she doesn't mind.

Marissa with Hitty

My Cuddleuppet bear wanted to get in the picture too.

Some of her stuff:

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