Sunday, September 16, 2012


Lola represents a lot of first for me. She was the first doll that I ever bought off ebay, she was my first tlc doll, she was the first doll that I ever worked on, and she was the first doll that I ever rescued and restored. Every time I look at her I can still remember how much fun I had working on her and how excited I was when I finally finished her.

I purchased Lola off ebay from a nice lady that found her in a thrift store. The lady was shocked when she got home, took Lola's shoes off, and realized that her feet had been burned. It looked like someone had left Lola standing on a lamp or some other hot object too long. One of her feet was solid black. Her other foot was melted to the point where it was hollow in the middle. Poor Lola couldn't even stand on her own because her feet were damaged too much. The nice lady that bought her didn't know how to fix her so she listed her on ebay. The second I saw her listing I knew I had to have her.

Once Lola arrived at my house I took her apart and cleaned her. I gave her hair a downy dunk and trimmed the ends. It took a while to find Lola a new pair of legs. In the meantime, I purchased her an adorable pair of slippers that I kept on her feet to prevent any further damage. Most of the early pictures of Lola show her either leaning on something or sitting down because she could never stand on her own.

Eventually Lola's new legs arrived. Once I put them on her she was like a whole new doll. Now she can pose for pictures and model outfits just like all the other dolls.

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